Can a Wisdom Tooth Eruption Cause a Fever? A Closer Look

Can a Wisdom Tooth Eruption Cause a Fever A Closer Look

While not everyone has wisdom teeth, roughly 20-25% of the population has between one and three wisdom teeth. Others could have no wisdom teeth at all or could have all their wisdom teeth.

If you think that your child’s wisdom teeth are coming in, they might be experiencing some pain or discomfort. Or, they could be experiencing a fever.

Before you head to a dentist in Mississauga to have your wisdom teeth removed, let’s take a look at what you need to know about wisdom tooth eruptions and the symptoms they cause.

Why People Have Wisdom Teeth

Before we talk about the symptoms and side effects of wisdom tooth eruption, let’s take a minute to talk about why people have wisdom teeth in the first place. There are a few different theories about why people have these teeth if they often don’t erupt properly.

The standing theory on wisdom teeth is that long ago, when we ate a diet high in acidic meats and plant materials, our teeth wore down more quickly. This caused our teeth to become narrower and to drift forward to touch the teeth in front of them.

Since the movement of the teeth created additional room at the back of the mouth, it made sense for wisdom teeth to erupt. As we evolved, however, these teeth became less and less common.

And, since our diet has evolved, our teeth no longer wear down the same way. The result is that wisdom teeth don’t have the necessary space to erupt, which can cause complications.

Symptoms of Wisdom Tooth Eruption

Wisdom teeth can show up on X-rays once kids reach between 10 and 11 years old. By the time an individual is 14, their teeth usually start to move towards the jawbone in order to erupt.

Even though wisdom teeth start moving toward the jaw at around 14 years old, they don’t usually break through the gums until a person is between 16 and 22 years old.

As the teeth start to erupt, teens might notice a few symptoms. Some common symptoms of wisdom tooth eruption include:

  • Jaw stiffness
  • Headaches
  • Inflamed gums
  • Sore jaws
  • Bleeding gums
  • Tender jaws
  • Changes in the bite

If you or your child are experiencing these symptoms due to wisdom teeth erupting, there’s nothing to worry about. Although uncomfortable, these are common symptoms of wisdom teeth eruption.

Does Wisdom Tooth Eruption Cause Fevers?

In many young children, wisdom tooth eruption can lead to a mild fever. This usually refers to tooth eruption in babies whose teeth are coming in for the first time.

In contrast, when older kids’ and teens’ wisdom teeth start to erupt, it’s not normal for them to have a fever. If they do develop a fever, it often signifies that there is a gum infection present.

The reason why wisdom tooth eruptions cause fever is that they can cause deep pockets behind your second molars. Since this makes it tough for you to get in and clean those deep sites, bacteria and plaque begin to accumulate in the pockets and lead to an infection.

If the infection gets out of control, it can cause a fever. The fevers are known as periodontal infections and, while definitely cause for concern, can usually be treated by taking a short course of antibiotics.

Just be aware that recurrent infections in wisdom teeth mean that it’s time to get them removed. Be sure to speak to a periodontal dentist if you need assistance getting these infections cleaned or your wisdom teeth removed.

Long Term Risks of Wisdom Tooth Eruption

You might have heard your dentist talk about impacted wisdom teeth. This means that a wisdom tooth is stuck on its path into the mouth and will remain partially erupted permanently.

The problem with this is that bacteria can easily get into the deep pockets and gums around your impacted wisdom tooth. The result is that your gums can become infected and you can develop a periodontal abscess.

Another issue that’s caused by impacted wisdom teeth is that they can rest on the molar in front of them. This contact point is usually very low and is submerged under the gums, making it extremely difficult for you to clean that part of your tooth.

What to Do About Wisdom Tooth Eruption Symptoms

More often than not, wisdom tooth eruption symptoms are nothing to be concerned about. You can have a healthy mouth and still experience these symptoms simply because the teeth are breaking through the gums.

From time to time, however, a strange odor or taste in the mouth or stinging gums might accompany your normal wisdom tooth symptoms. If you start to experience these symptoms then there’s a good chance that your wisdom tooth area is infected.

To get rid of the infection, floss the area and rinse your mouth with salt water frequently. You can also use water picks to flush out deep pockets and get contaminants out of your teeth.

Even with these steps, it’s important to call a dentist in Mississauga. That way you can get the infection treated before it causes any serious complications.

Schedule an Appointment With a Dentist in Mississauga

Whether you’re experiencing a wisdom tooth eruption or just want to get your wisdom tooth checked on, it pays to speak with a dentist in Mississauga to ensure that everything is okay.

It’s time to stop Googling “dentist near me” and instead put your faith in the best dentist in the area. Get in touch with our team and we’ll help you set up an appointment for a checkout.

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Dr. Arun Narang & Associates practices dentistry for one reason: to give Mississauga residents more reasons to smile. Dedicated to providing excellent solutions and customer service, it is our goal to help ensure complete oral health for you and your family.

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